Now it's possible that you didn't want to know that brief and definite answer. However, this negative response is not just a vague bias. There are specific adverse effects that marijuana has on your aura and on your own soul, and this affects your spiritual development. You won't generally hear about these insights, because the people speaking relating to this topic, whether in favor or against, generally lack the subtle energy sensitivity to spell it out what happens to your energy field whenever you put marijuana in your body.


Needless to say, it is possible that you agree with your conclusions about the inadvisability of smoking this substance, but it's crucial that you clarify exactly why marijuana is really a problem, because otherwise, the argument about this could possibly get sidetracked. For example...

One of many reasons often given for avoiding marijuana could be the argument that it's illegal, -- at the least during the time with this writing -- and therefore, it should be a negative substance. There are historical reasons for marijuana's illegality, having mostly regarding the economics of hemp.

As is well known, hemp is an inexpensive replacement paper, for oil, and for a number of other products. Quite simply, legal hemp will be an economic competitor in several industries. It's for this reason that various large industries seek to demonize marijuana, to ensure that public opinion will continue to believe that san Francisco marijuana delivery and hemp should be kept illegal.

Still another reason claimed by those that hold negative views about marijuana is that it's not as safe as alcohol. The spiritual difficulties with alcohol can be detected through subtle energy sensing, and you will find unfortunate similarities between alcohol and marijuana, especially in how they both adversely affect the aura and the soul. In spite of the obvious differences in how people drinking and smoking behave, the essential issue remains the same...

Marijuana and alcohol hinder the connection between the human body and the soul, and both substances, in their very own way, create a dissociated condition that inhibits spiritual growth and well-being.

There are many arguments that marijuana proponents make to support their choice, and they are all based upon beliefs that seem, at first, to be acceptable. However, the fundamental problem with marijuana is that it generates a split up between the human body and the soul. This really is something which can be detected with subtle sensing, and so those people who have not developed this sensing ability will likely entertain doubt about these assertions. I am not the only real energy-sensitive person who detects these issues, and so I am going to spell it out them as I sense them, and you can reach your own personal conclusions.

Marijuana proponents claim that smokers tend to be peaceful, in contrast to alcohol drinkers. Though this is often observed easily enough, it still doesn't validate the utilization of a substance that creates an energetically fragmented condition in the aura. I observe that the fragmented aura condition of marijuana smokers keeps them seemingly peaceful, but at a price. The fuzzy aura condition of smokers keeps them from fully feeling their emotions, and whenever you appreciate this, it reveals a different, and somewhat less happy explanation regarding their preferred emotional suppression method.


When people have emotions or thoughts that are troubling, they tend to want to leave their body in order that they won't need to feel their discomforts. People wanting not to feel their feelings involve some popular choices. They are able to drink alcohol, they could eat sugar and processed foods, they could space out in front of the television -- that will be proven to induce a quasi-meditative alpha state -- or they could smoke marijuana. All of these choices create a fragmented energy field, in which the clarity of the aura is compromised.

The alleged peacefulness of smokers is their convenient excuse. They could feel more peaceful than they would should they weren't smoking, but unfortunately, they are not transcending their pain in just about any useful way. Their escape from emotional discomfort is temporary. Which means they can't really address the pain, and that contributes to a problem. If you can't address something, as you don't feel it anymore, then you definitely have to help keep pushing the denied emotions down, in order that they are out of your conscious awareness.

This may explain the notion that marijuana is not physically addictive, but is psychologically addictive. In the end, if you want to help keep smoking in order to not feel that which you don't want to feel, then that'll well be described as a psychological addiction.

The popular expression with marijuana smokers that smoking helps them "take the edge off" is really a euphemism that hides the emotional pain they seek to avoid. And to be fair, it is reasonable to acknowledge that emotional pain can be frightening, and that confronting it requires a great deal of courage and determination. However, smoking isn't going to build courage and determination.